Hatshepsut on the radio and tv

Hatshepsut on the radio and tv

Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, is interviewed by telephone in this radio recording (preceded by an advert). It is not always easy to hear what Hawass is saying, due to a rather fuzzy line.

The Discovery Channel

In what is being called the most important find in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb, Discovery Channel's Secrets of Egypt's Lost Queen exclusively reveals archaeological, forensic and scientific evidence identifying a 3,000-year-old mummy as Hatshepsut, Egypt's greatest female Pharaoh. . . . The film follows a team of top forensic experts and archaeologists led by Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egypt's secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, as they use the full range of forensic technology to identify Hatshepsut.

The investigative journey of Dr. Hawass and his team led them through the massive crypts beneath Egypt and into the depths of the Cairo Museum. Using knowledge of royal Egyptian mummification and clues from two known tombs linked to Hatshepsut, the team narrowed their search for Hatshepsut to just four mummies from thousands of unidentified corpses. Computed tomography (CT) scans allowed the scientists to link distinct physical traits of the Hatshepsut mummy to that of her ancestors.

If you are living in the U.S. a schedule for the show is displayed on the site. It is anyone's guess when it will come to other countries.

- Egypt’s First Laboratory For Ancient Dna Analysis
OBBeC Applied Biosystems, an Applera Corporation business, is collborating with the Discovery Channel and Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities to establish the first laboratory in Egypt dedicated to testing ancient DNA samples. The laboratory, which...

- Mysteries Of Ancient Egypt Revealed
CCTV 2 page article (short pages), mainly about trying to identify the mummy of Hatshepsut. There's also a video (which crashed both my browsers, but you may be luckier). Pages 4, 5 and 6 show photographs of the mummy. Scientists and archaeologists...

- Hateshepsut Mummy Identified By Dna
It's just my luck that all this kicked off whilst I was away - my two inboxes are a complete nightmare. Anyway, as far as I can tell here are the best of the bunch. Thanks to Kat Newkirk who continues to keep me both moderately sane and on track....

- Finding Hatshepsut
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/849/eg3.htm A useful synthesis of the past and present of Hatshepsut. Nevine el-Aref gives a brief description of the reign of the female Pharaoh, takes a look at the tombs, caches and mummies most closely associated with...

- Colorful Words Covering As Truth
The ever ambitious Dr. Zahi Hawass is a colorful man who's enthusiasm for his job as the Secretary general for Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities gives the good doctor full liberties as to Egypt's monuments and how they are to be interpreted...

