Hawass in Alexandria

Hawass in Alexandria


Together we inspected the complex of Sarai el Hakhania Court, which is located in El Manshia Square, Mahatet El Raml in Alexandria. This building came under the MSA’s responsibility in 2001. It was built in 1886, was refurbished during King Farouk’s reign in 1937 and again during the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser when a whole new floor was added.

In 2001 the building was registered as an Islamic-Coptic Period monument. In 2010 the Minister of Justice wrote to me to report that new cracks in the structure had appeared. I formed a committee to investigate, but unfortunately there was a fire on the upper floor of the building during the committee’s research. The fire damaged part of it very badly and the committee reported that an even bigger restoration project was then needed.

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