Hawass in Arizona

Hawass in Arizona

Sedona Red Rock News (Nate Hansen)

Zahi Hawass, is speaking in Sedona (Arizona, U.S.) on Saturday, August 25th 2007, but this piece looks more at his views on heritage conservation, some of his upcoming plans, and some of his views on popular theories, rather than on the upcoming lecture. It may be of interest to anyone who is new to Hawass, the figure-head of the SCA:

When asked what Sedona and the Verde Valley could learn from what he has to share and how to implement his lessons, it’s Hawass who makes a significant connection. It doesn’t matter where a person lives, conservation and preservation are invaluable, he insists.

In the early 1970s, at the beginning of his career, Hawass says he excavated a site called Kom Abou Bellou. There, he and his team uncovered remains of Pharaonic and Greco-Roman cemeteries and temples. The team was given seven years to complete excavation and documentation until a projected canal’s development ripped through the region, destroying what was left. The urgency to beat the clock helped develop his passion for archaeology, he says.

To this day, Hawass’ passion is stronger than ever, and like a fine wine, gets better with age. Despite a 40-year career collecting honors and awards, Hawass admits it wasn’t until he became director of Excavation of the Valley of the Mummies in the Bahariya Oasis in 1999 that he made his mark as an Egyptologist and archaeologist.

See the above page for the full story.

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