Hawass kicks up a dust storm

Hawass kicks up a dust storm

http://tinyurl.com/ef6ff (sfgate.com)
Article looking at both the positive and negative impressions made by teh SCA's Zahi Hawass: "Since Hawass became director of Egypt's 34,000-member Supreme Council of Antiquities in 2002, many Egyptologists agree that the feisty 59-year-old archaeologist has done more than anyone yet to bring Egyptian civilization to the world stage, appearing on cable television, writing newspaper articles, traveling the world giving lectures and launching exhibits of Egyptian treasures. . . . Hawass' critics, however, say his celebrity has turned him into an autocrat who rules the Supreme Council as if it were his personal fiefdom."
See the above page for the full story.

- Hawass In South Africa
http://travel.iafrica.com/bulletinboard/922087.htm"World famous archaeologist, author and international television personality Dr Zahi Hawass, arrives in South Africa this month for a one week lecture tour. Hawass, renowned equally as head of Egypt’s...

- Zahi Hawass’ Egypt
http://www.egypttoday.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=6567 "Who better to ask for a personally guided tour of the greatest wonders of Egypt than the world’s foremost Egyptologist, Dr Zahi Hawass? In his position as the Secretary-General of the Egyptian Supreme...

- New York Denies Neglect Of Obelisk
http://tinyurl.com/oedq7 (Bloomberg.com) "The New York Parks Department rejects claims by an Egyptian official that the city is neglecting the 3,700-year-old Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park and refuses to address his demand to give the obelisk...

- Response To Sunday Times Re Hawass Article In May 2005
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2088-1710891_2,00.html In a widely publicized article entitled "King Tut Tut", which appeared in the May 22nd edition of the UK's Sunday broadsheet, a number of criticisms of Zahi Hawass were made. The above...

- No Discrimination
This article is from 2003 but it is important and really set the standards for the last 5 years of Egyptian exploration. Clearly Joanne Fletcher was without the concern of tact and her actions alone caused damage to her extremely prestigious British institution....

