Hawass on amateur Egyptologists

Hawass on amateur Egyptologists

Al Ahram Weekly (Zahi Hawass)

Reading books about Egyptology does not make you an Egyptologist, nor does writing a book on some topic related to ancient Egypt. An Egyptologist is someone who has an extensive education and broad knowledge and experience in the field, from the study of artefacts to the understanding of chronology, both relative and absolute. Perhaps most importantly, real Egyptologists participate in a scholarly community, exchanging ideas and information as colleagues rather than grabbing news from the television and newspaper headlines, and forming opinions from information published in popular sources. Newspapers and television shows are for the general public, and the information in them is often badly oversimplified. Professional Egyptologists consult scientific publications, or at least confer with their colleagues, before jumping to conclusions on any matter related to the discipline of Egyptology.

Amateur Egyptologists, on the other hand, often speak and write without thinking.

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