Helwan Mural Returned to Egypt

Helwan Mural Returned to Egypt

Reading between the lines of this somewhat confusing article I am guessing that a predynastic mural found at Helwan has been returned to Egypt, having been smuggled out of the country and sold off at auction.

- Egyptomania: Egypt-themed Mural Newly Uncovered
Whittier Daily News Beneath 2 inches of sand, red terra cotta tiles and cement, four sheets of asphalt, and tar used to seal a roof after the 1933 earthquake, a note-worthy tile mural was found. The Campbell Apartments in Long Beach, first completed...

- Mural Returned By Germany
http://tinyurl.com/pac7r (sis.gov.eg)"Germany is to hand over sections of an ancient Egyptian mural to an Egyptian delegation Monday. 'The delegation from the Ministry of Culture and the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) will receive five sections...

- Pharaonic Music
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/2/ "In cooperation with the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), the Faculty of Music at Helwan University will offer a diploma course in Pharaonic music as of next September, an official said."The purpose of the...

- Helwan Necropolis Attracts Egyptologists
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=4&article_id=20509 Terribly threatened by urban expansion, the immensely important site of Helwan continues to be the subject of study by Salima Ikram and her team under the direction...

- Twenty 5000 Year Old Tombs Found At Helwan
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,9837177%255E1702,00.html Dr Christiana Kohler's Australian Mission has found a necropolis at Helwan containing a relief showing early hieroglyphic text and 20 tombs. The necropolis also...

