Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part B

Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part B

Em Hotep (Keith Payne)

The second part of Keith's article Hemienu to Houdin, part of a superbly illustrated series looking at different theories of pyramid construction. Part A can be found here.

In Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part A, we looked at how Jean-Pierre Houdin proposes Hemienu could have built two thirds of the Great Pyramid with a straight, external ramp that only reached one third of the total height of the pyramid. We also outlined how the ramp would have been three ramps in one, or rather, a ramp of three lanes, two of which alternated from level to level.

In Phase One, Part B, we will be taking a detailed look at how the alternating lanes functioned, and how Jean-Pierre thinks Hemienu would have changed his strategy once the ramp became too narrow to accommodate two lanes, while still maintaining uninterrupted work from level to level.

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep I am sure that all of you who are interested in this topic are following Keith's site, so this is the last pointer to his excellent recent series about pyramid construction theories. Yesterday he posted the latest installment: Hemienu to...

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep! (Keith Payne) For those of you who are following Keith's excellent series about pyramid construction the third part of his Hemienu to Houdin set is now available at the above address: Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part C—The Inner Workings...

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- Bob Brier On Pyramid Construction
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