Hemienu to Houdin

Hemienu to Houdin

Em Hotep (Keith Payne)

Another excellent piece from Keith Payne, stuffed full of diagrams and photographs.

Most theories of how the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built agree that some sort of external ramp was required, even if an external ramp alone would not have been sufficient. But what kind of ramp? What would it have looked like and been made of? Where would it have been built?

Architect Jean-Pierre Houdin has put forth a comprehensive theory of how Khufu’s architect, Hemienu, could have built the pyramid using only the tools, methods, and materials that we know would have been available at the time. Now, just weeks before M. Houdin is to release an avalanche of new work and material that will greatly update and solidify his theory, Em Hotep has endeavored to get a detailed and thorough description of his work to-date online and available for reference.

Picking up where I left off over a year ago with the Hemienu to Houdin series, I admittedly have my work for the coming month cut out for me. Wish me luck! But with the generous oversight of the theory’s author himself, I can promise that the forthcoming will be the best precursor you can find on-line for what Jean-Pierre mysteriously refers to as “Episode 2.”

In this current article we will examine how Jean-Pierre’s theory describes the external ramp that was used to build the bottom third of the Great Pyramid.

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep! (Keith Payne) For those of you who are following Keith's excellent series about pyramid construction the third part of his Hemienu to Houdin set is now available at the above address: Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part C—The Inner Workings...

- More Evidence Of Secret Passages In The Great Pyramid
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) Vincent has picked up on a video on the National Geographic website: National Geographic has posted a video to their YouTube channel today that presents supporting evidence of Jean Pierre Houdin’s internal spiral ramp...

- French Pyramid Theory Rejected
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/1/ "Egyptian, German and US archaeological experts have rejected the theory of the French archaeologist Jean-Pierre Houdin about how the Giza Pyramids were built, Zahi Hawass, the Secretary-General of Egypt's Supreme...

- Egypt Says No Onsite Tests For French Pyramid Theory
http://www.metimes.com/storyview.php?StoryID=20070411-035121-2808r"The powerful head of Egypt's antiquities department Tuesday ruled out any onsite tests to check the veracity of a new French theory about the building of the Great Pyramid. 'It...

- Bob Brier On Pyramid Construction
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