Hibis Restoration (Kharga Oasis)

Hibis Restoration (Kharga Oasis)

The Late Period site of Hibis in Kharga Oasis, which has been under scaffolding for years, and is one of the few sites with significant Persian input, is going to be moved 500m from its current location due to groundwater damage, possibly caused by local irrigation. A company from Wales (UK) called Cintec International has been chosen to do the work required: "The company is using a system which it says will leave no visible change to the temple's outward appearance. Cintec has work on 10 mosques and maqaads, or pillared rooms, in historic parts of the Egyptian capital Cairo . . . . The Cintec system involves injecting a special cement grout into a steel "anchor" section in a mesh fabric sleeve. The flexible sleeve expands and moulds itself into the shape and spaces within the walls to support the building. ". See the article for more. Thanks to Jimmy Dunn for forwarding this item to me.

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- Hibis Temple, Kharga
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) Beginning in 1909, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was responsible for excavations at the Hibis temple. Their work resulted in three important volumes, which included translations of the inscriptions on the walls. After the Metropolitan...

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- Hibis Temple, Kharga
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/834/tr5.htm A snapshot of Hibis Temple in Kharga Oasis: "Darius I treated the Egyptians with respect and good will. His list of achievements includes finishing the canal connecting the Nile to the Red Sea, extending the...

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