History in geological time

History in geological time

On the centenary of the opening of the Egyptian Geological Museum Al Ahram has an article talking about the history of geological expeditions and some of the great geologists who helped to clarify how Egypt developed as a land. It also talks about the important role of the Geological Museum. Egypt's fossil record is discussed - this lesser known aspect of Egypt is very important and impressive.

- Geological Aspect Of The Problem Of Dating The Great Egyptian Sphinx Construction
http://mgu.bg/geoarchmin/ The Proceedings of the International Conference on Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy 2008 can now be downloaded, in PDF format, at the above address. One of the papers available is: Geological aspect of the problem of dating...

- Geological Mapping Gets Joined Up
BBC News (Jennifer Carpenter) The world's geologists have dug out their maps and are sticking them together to produce the first truly global resource of the world's rocks. The OneGeology project pools existing data about what lies under our...

- Wadi El Hitan
The Encyclopedia of Earth Wadi Al-Hitan (29° 15’ 13'' to 29° 23’ 56''N by 30° 00’ 41'' to 30° 10’ 06 E) is a World Heritage Site in the Western Desert 150 kilometers (km) southwest of Cairo and 80 km west of Faiyum...

- Fayoum's Ancient Quarry Under Threat
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/788/hr1.htmAl Ahram Weekly is featuring the risk to one of Egypt's ancient stone quarrying areas (one of two such quarries known from the Faiyum Depression) which also contains the world's oldest known road and...

- Egyptology 2004 - A Review
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/print/2004/723/heritage.htm "From the Mediterranean bed to Kom Al-Dikka, from Akhmim to Sinai, from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to Basle and Germany and from auction halls in Europe and America to Egypt, there were several...

