Hosni rejects idea for a Jewish museum in Egypt

Hosni rejects idea for a Jewish museum in Egypt

State Information Service

The Culture Ministry stressed that it will never permit ‎any U.S Jewish or non U.S Jewish organization to set ‎up a museum for Jewish antiquities in Egypt.‎

Culture Minister Farouk Hosni, who met with a U.S ‎Jewish delegation at his office, affirmed that he did not ‎approve of the setting up of this museum and gave no ‎promises for the establishment of this museum to the ‎members of the delegation. ‎

Farouk Hosni added there are no many Jewish ‎antiquities pieces in Egypt to be exhibited in a ‎museum.‎

However, the Culture Minister said there is a ‎department for Jewish antiquities at the sections of ‎Islamic and Coptic antiquities of the Supreme Council ‎of Antiquities. ‎

Egypt is most keen to deal with Jewish antiquities ‎exactly as it deals with other antiquities, he added.‎

‎ We have no distinction in this concern, especially in ‎the restoration operations of antiquities, Farouk Hosni ‎affirmed, saying as all such antiquities are Egyptian ‎heritage of concern to the whole world.‎

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