Hospital helps unravel the mysteries of Eygpt

Hospital helps unravel the mysteries of Eygpt

This Is London

Another older story which I missed from March.

A HOSPITAL has helped reveal the secrets of mummified children from Egypt using state-of-the-art technology.

A team of scientists, led by forensic Egyptologist Janet Davey, scanned three 2,000-year-old Egyptian child mummies at Blackheath Hospital, in Lee Terrace, Blackheath, on Tuesday (March 24).

The three mummies, one of which has an elaborate gold death mask, were part of a collection of 12 housed in The British Museum.

By using the hospital’s CT scanner, the scientists were able to create a 3D picture of the mummies’ skeletons and anatomy without disturbing their delicate wrappings.

Miss Davey, based at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, says the scans will help solve the mysteries surrounding the life and death of children in ancient Egypt.

She said: “Early results show all three mummies were boys, two of which have severe head injuries.

“It’s very unusual for mummies to have holes in their heads.

By using the hospital’s CT scanner, the scientists were able to create a 3-D picture of the mummies

“We don’t know if that has anything to do with mummification and we don’t know if these injuries were sustained before or after death.

See the above page for the full story, with photographs.

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