Identifying the Hyksos

Identifying the Hyksos
Georgeos Díaz-Montexano escriptólogo y egiptólogo amateur, ha conseguido identificar los nombres de los reyes hicsos como pertenecientes al grupo de lenguas y dialectos proto-griegos o micénicos. El verdadero origen étnico de los misteriosos hicsos . . . . ha sido siempre un verdadero reto para los egiptólogos. No obstante, es que los Hicsos serían pueblos semitas, fundamentalmente habitantes de la franja costeras sirio-palestina, o sea, canaanitas o proto-fenicios. . . . Díaz-Montexano ahora ha conseguido identificar con un mayor grado de aproximación los seis nombres de los reyes hicsos, y sus equivalente casi exactos se hallaban justamente en dialectos indoeuropeos proto-griegos."
Rough Translation: Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, scriptologist and amateur Egyptologist, has managed to identify that the names of the Hyksos kings belong to the same group of languages and dialects as proto-Greek or Mycenaean. The true ethnic origin of the mysterious Hyksos, . . . . has always been a real puzzle for Egyptololgists. However, long held conventional wisdom has believed that the Hyksos were Semitic, from the coastal areas of the Levant, Canaanites or proto-Phoenicians . . . . Díaz-Montexano has now managed, with improved accuracy, to identify the six names of the Hyksos kings, and their equivalents are alsmost exactly the same in Indoeuropean and proto-Greek dialects".

The full analysis of how he came to this conclusion continues in Spanish at the above website, or can be found in translation (also quite rough) at the following web address, on the General Stuff forum on the Rowley-Regis website:
And at

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