Imax documentary - Ancient Egyptian mummies

Imax documentary - Ancient Egyptian mummies
Be warned - as soon as you load the page a trailer loads and you get the background music playing. Thanks to Jen Shiea for the following:
"Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and a modern-day forensic adventure, all in one eye-popping new film opening in IMAX® and other Giant Screen Theaters in June 2007.
Why are people endlessly fascinated with mummies? The worldwide curiosity about mummification is an age-old phenomenon as enduring as mummies themselves. During Egypt’s history, literally millions of mummies were made. In Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, filmgoers will marvel at the sight of these human time capsules, shown in larger-than-life detail on the giant screen.
Narrated by actor Christopher Lee (The Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, and the original 1959 film The Mummy), Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs unravels some of the mysteries enshrouding the ancient royal mummies, how they were embalmed and where they were hidden. The film recreates the dramatic story of their recovery—an Indiana Jones-type tale of tomb-raiders and hidden treasure that led to one of the most significant archaeological finds in modern history. Featuring top researchers, such as Egyptologists Dr. Bob Brier and Dr. Zahi Hawass (head of Egypt’s antiquities) and DNA scientist Angelique Corthals, Mummies also embarks on a genetic analysis of mummies that could have huge implications for the study of modern human diseases."

- Film: Egypt's Enduring Mummies
Ottowa Citizen (Jay Stone) The first words you hear in the spooky/educational/mummyrific Imax film Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs are spoken by a voice of such baritone portent it could have narrated the newsreel at the beginning of Citizen Kane. "Egypt:...

- Review: Mummies - Secrets Of The Pharaohs Another short review of the glossy documentary, which seems to have earned a far larger response than any other recent documentary on the subject of ancient Egypt: It's saying something when -- after decades of National Geographic, PBS,...

- Documentary Review: Mummies - Secrets Of Pharaohs (in Chicago) Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and a modern-day forensic adventure, all in one eye-popping new film that opens at the Museum of Science and Industry’s domed, five-story screen through February...

- Scientist Appears In Mummy Documentary
Manchester Evening News Dr Angelique Corthals, a lecturer at Manchester Univeristy, has just returned from the New York premiere of Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs. The film, narrated by The Lord Of The Rings star Christopher Lee, was shown on the giant...

- Exhibition: Mummies - Secrets Of The Pharaohs "Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and a modern-day forensic adventure, all in one eye-popping new film, opening at the Tuttleman...

