Imhotep Museum in Saqqara

Imhotep Museum in Saqqara (Egypt State Information Service)
"Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak and Mrs. Bernadette Chirac, Thursday co-inaugurated Amenhotep [should read Imhotep] Museum at Saqqara area, situated on the West Bank of the river Nile, about 30 km south of Cairo. The Ministry of Culture has modernized the museum in tribute to Amenhotep, who was the chief architect to the Third Dynasty King Djoser (2687-2668 BC). Mrs. Mubarak and the French first lady toured the museum's various halls and watched a film about the history of Saqqara area. They also made a tour of the Step Pyramid plateau, the causeway, the Serapeum: a gallery of tombs, Saqqara North and Saqqara South. In addition to Djoser's, there are another 16 pyramids on the site, in various states of preservation or dilapidation."
This is the full item on the State Information Service website.

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