In Future Egypt

In Future Egypt

Scientists are studying the effects of environmental change on ancient Egypt it's monuments and it's population and how they dealt with it. Two hundred scientists from twenty five countries will be studying everything from archaeology, geology as well as paleontology.

The efforts are to plan for the future of Egypt who's population is expected to double in the next forty years to one hundred and sixty million. The study is also on how the monuments will be effected by the future environment.

- Muon Detectors And Pyramids
Cosmos Magazine This article dates back to August 2008, but I didn't pick up on it then. Thanks to Kat for sending me the link. MUON DETECTORS HAVE a rich history of revealing the unusual and the unseen. Sixty years ago, scientists in Australia used...

- Capmas: Population Reaches 78.7 Million In May 2008
Egypt State Information Service Egypt's population until May 1, 2008 reached 78.7 million according to final results of this year's census as announced Thursday by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Of the population...

- Weekly Websites
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- Plans For The Future
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