In the Field: More re Saqqara discoveries

In the Field: More re Saqqara discoveries

BBC News (Yolande Knell)

With photo

Archaeologists in Egypt have said they have discovered the largest known tomb in the ancient necropolis of Sakkara, to the south of Cairo.

The tomb dates back 2,500 years to the 26th Dynasty and contains important artefacts, including mummified eagles.

It is one of two newly discovered tombs found by an Egyptian team working close to the entrance of Sakkara, the burial ground for Egypt's ancient capital.

The tomb consists of a big hall hewn out of the limestone rock.

There are a number of small rooms and passageways where ancient coffins, skeletons and well-preserved clay pots were discovered, as well as the mummies of eagles.

Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi)

With some good photos.

An Egyptian team led by Dr. Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, has unearthed the largest tomb yet discovered in the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, also known as the "City of the Dead."

Saqqara largest tomb

Filled with skeletons, coffins and eagle mummies, the tomb was found just near the entrance point of the archaeological site.

Simply cut into limestone, the burial, which dates to the 26th Dynasty (664 -525 B.C.), extends from a large rock-hewn hall into a number of corridors and small rooms. Inside, the archaeologists found several coffins, skeletons and pots.

Saqqara largest tomb

At the tomb's northern end, the team unearthed a room filled with shards of ancient pottery, coffins and mummified eagles.

According to Dr. Hawass, the 2,500-year-old tomb had been opened several times during its history. Most likely, it was robbed at the end of the Roman period.

Saqqara largest tomb

The team also uncovered a second large tomb which featured a sealed limestone room. Scattered inside, there were many clay pots and several ancient coffins.

The finding "shows that Saqqara still harbors secrets," Dr. Hawass said.

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