In the Valley of Kings

In the Valley of Kings

Are these photo's of soon to be discovered tombs only time will tell hopefully if there are and hopefully they are not filled with garbage like KV63.

- Interview With Steven Cross Re Kv64 And Research In The Valley Of The Kings
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Last week as news was breaking about the new tomb—KV64—Em Hotep received word from Stephen Cross, an Egyptologist and Geologist specializing in the Valley of the Kings, that he had photographed the tomb while conducting his...

- More Re The New Tomb: A Summary Of The Known Facts To Date
Egyptological (Kate Phizackerley) Kate Phizackerley has posted a summary of the known facts to date, within the context of existing knowledge about excavations in the Valley of the Kings The tomb was announced in Luxor by Mansour Boraik in Luxor and Mohamed...

- Valley Of Kings
Here we have some very interesting pictures from the current excavations in the Valley of Kings.

- New Discovery In Valley Of Kings
A painted eye has been found which some think may have come from a new tomb or may come from one of the numerous shrines in the surrounding hills.

- Dr. Hawass's Dig
In the valley of kings Dr. Hawass is excavating two promising sites. Good luck to him and his team hopefully he will find something interesting and not another garbage filled room like Kv63. Part One:

