Informatique et Egyptologie Group Concerence

Informatique et Egyptologie Group Concerence

Pyramid of Man blog

Thanks very much to Vincent Brown's excellent Pyramid of Man blog for alerting me to the fact that the Informatique et Egyptologie Group Conference is scheduled for later this month (in just a few days time). Here's what Vincent says (see the above page for programme details):

The IAE Computer Group (Informatique et Egyptologie, I&E) will be meeting in Vienna at the Kunsthistorisches Museum on the 8-11 of July this year. The conference itself will start on Wednesday the 9th and 10th.

IAE 2008 meeting at the Kunsthistorisches Museum

The conference fee is €30 and includes a visit to the Heurigen restaurant for a typical Viennese party.

Updates will be found on the IAE's web page on Nigel Strudwick's Egyptology Resources site.

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