Inspections by new Libyan Antiquities Minister

Inspections by new Libyan Antiquities Minister

The Malta Independent

Libyan archaeologists are beginning to inspect the country’s priceless historical sites, hoping part of their cultural heritage and economic future has not been ruined by war.

“It is the first time I go there since the war, Gaddafi’s troops were inside and I want to know what happened,” said Fadel Ali Mohammed, Libya’s freshly appointed Minister for Antiquities.

Setting out from the Tripoli hotel that has become his temporary home, the 62-year-old − a doctor in archaeology and Greek philology − begins the drive west to Sabratha, one of Libya’s most treasured archaeological sites.

Despite multiple checkpoints armed by young volunteer militiamen, it only takes 90 minutes to get there. But it is an anxious 90 minutes for the man who is now in charge of protecting Libya’s past.

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