Intact 4500 year old Burial

Intact 4500 year old Burial

It is a site not seen in 50 years for an intact tomb of an Old Kingdom official have usually been seen by the robbers first.

Another coup for Czeck archaeologists.

- Update - Not So New Discovery At Abusir
Radio Praha Update: Thanks for the anonymous person who commented that this was a story dating from last year (do leave your name next time - it would be nice to thank the person, not someone nameless!). My apologies for the age of the article. It came...

- More Re New Discovery At Abusir
Radio Praha Czech Egyptologists have long enjoyed an impressive reputation for their work in Abusir, Egypt, but even they admit one doesn’t make a find such as this one everyday: the uncovering of an intact tomb going back 24 centuries BC. The head...

- More On The Tomb Of Henu At Deir El Barsha
Al Ahram Weekly A short extract is copied below, but see the article on the above page for full details of the tomb and its contents. There are three photos accompanying the article (click on the photograph on the above page or click here to see all three...

- Czech Egyptology - Parts Ii And Iii The last two parts of Czech Radio's look at the role of Czech Egyptologists in Egypt, at sites like Abusir. Part II stresses the role of building up good relationships with...

- Czeck Egyptology
A nice article complete with pictures including the recent find of a rare undisturbed burial from the old kingdom.

