Interactive Hierakonpolis

Interactive Hierakonpolis
Hierakonpolis is one of Egypt's most important sites, dating from the Predynastic when it became the major power of Upper Egypt. This site details the excavations and has some marvellous photographs of the excavation and artefacts that have been discovered. It has been updated recently.

- Hierakonpolis Online Many thanks to Kat Newkirk for pointing out that the Hierakonpolis page on Archaeology magazine's website has been updated.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Hierakonpolis 2007 Hierakonpolis pages on the Archaeology Magazine...

- Hierakonpolis Online Archeology Online's Interactive Dig has been updated with the latest from the important site of Hierakonpolis. It concerns that only upstanding structure at Hierakonpolis, the so-called...

- Interactive Hierakonpolis - Updated The excellent account of the latest excavations from Hierakonpolis has been updated at the Archaeology Magazine website. This issue focuses on the contents of Tomb 9, a Nubian C-Group...

- Hierakonpolis Dig
Here we have the Hierakonpolis interactive dig field notes.

