Interview: Unesco - Connecting Culture and the People

Interview: Unesco - Connecting Culture and the People

The Guardian, UK (Florence Evin and Brigitte Perucca)

Last September, after political infighting on a scale rarely seen at Unesco, Irina Bokova, 57, originally from Bulgaria, was elected as the first women to head the organisation. Last November she travelled to Egypt to rebuild connections with Farouk Hosni, her rival for the job. “The election is behind us, we have turned over a new leaf and I am very optimistic”

- More Re Hosni Campaign For Unesco
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine el-Aref) It seems that the curse of the Pharaohs has hit Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni's election campaign to direct UNESCO. A week after facing severe criticism from foreign and Egyptian intellectuals following the apology...

- German Panel Opposed To Egyptian Minister As Unesco Head
Earth Times Germany's main cultural organization expressed concern on Monday that Egypt's long-serving minister of culture could soon become the new head of UNESCO. "The election of Farouk Hosni as director-general of UNESCO would be a grave...

- Farouk Hosni And His Goal To Become Unesco Director-general
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) It was not an easy week for Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni and the members of his 2009 UNESCO election campaign committee. Hosni was caught up in yet another drive against his nomination for the post of UNESCO director-general...

- More On Hosni Nomination To Unesco
State Information Service Culture Minister Farouk Hosni Sunday 12/8/2007 called on Arab countries to concur on a single candidate for the post of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) director-general. "If there is more than...

- Farouk Hosni Nominated As Unesco Director
Daily News Egypt The Egyptian government announced Monday that it was nominating Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni as a candidate for the position of director general of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). There...

