Interview with Hawass (part 2 of 2)

Interview with Hawass (part 2 of 2)
"In the Valley of the Kings some 35 years ago, I met a young man from the Abdul Rasul family who told me he knew about the secrets of the valley.The man in his 70s took me to a secret path and led me to the mouth of a secret tunnel. He said if I take this route further into the tomb of Seti, the tunnel will go down to another 300 feet where you will find a second chamber with the tomb of Seti. I did not believe him until a few months ago when I entered the shaft with only a flashlight, a rope and a meter. It was dangerous to go inside that shaft for more than 216 feet. Beyond that I could not go any further because the rubble was blocking my path and falling on my head.Next month, I will go again and restore this shaft piece by piece and go deeper to 300 feet Abdul Rasul told me. There I think I will find the tomb of Seti I – perhaps the most important discovery yet again. No artefacts from his tomb are out there. Therefore Seti’s tomb is still very much intact."
See the above article for the full story.

- Part 3 Of Hawass On The Tomb Of Seti I
Al Ahram Weekly (Zahi Hawass) After 130 metres the tunnel began to reveal its purpose when we uncovered 54 steps. The pounding inside my chest was amazing as I descended the ramp for seven metres. This second ramp was cut in the rock and had the same...

- The Latest Findings In The Tomb Of Seti I
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- Video: Join Hawass In The Tomb Of Seti I Join Zahi Hawass Inside the Mysterious Tunnel in the Tomb of Seti I For the last two years, Zahi Hawass has led an all-Egyptian team that is excavating and restoring the mysterious tunnel leading from the burial chamber of King Seti I deep...

- The Cave Of Sokar
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- Seti's Tunnel
Dr. Hawass' team are searching the tunnel extending from the depths of the tomb of King Seti I in the valley of Kings.

