Interview with student doing internship at student, is currently doing an internship at Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo

Interview with student doing internship at student, is currently doing an internship at Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo


Daniel Soliman, a 23 year old Egyptology student, is currently doing an internship at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo for three months. The NVIC was looking for someone to assist in the organization of the Conference on “Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean” that will be held in Cairo from 26 – 29 October.

Why did you decide to study Egyptology?

I am half Dutch half Egyptian - my father is Egyptian - so I’ve been coming to Egypt since I was a kid. Seeing all these historical sites during my holidays here made me very curious and interested in Ancient Egypt. Later on when I was in high school I developed an interest in history, art and languages. So I put those two together and started thinking about studying Egyptology. First I was not sure whether to study Arabic studies or Egyptology, but after taking a trial course at university in “reading hieroglyphs”, I knew immediately that was what I wanted to do.

And I haven’t regretted it since! It is exactly what I hoped it would be. Two years ago I finished my bachelor Egyptology at the University of Leiden and started a research master at the same university. It is a two year master but with the fieldwork I did in the beginning of this year and now this internship, it is all a bit delayed. Still, I hope to finish my masters this year.

See the above page for the full interview.

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