Into the basement of the Egyptian Museum

Into the basement of the Egyptian Museum
This item is in the Saturday edition of the Egyptian Gazette, the Egyptian Mail, and should be on the site for the rest of this week, after which it will be replaced and the above link will take you to a different article. However, anyone wanting to see the piece after this time can email me - I've saved a copy of the complete item. "After its many problems last year, the Supreme Council for Antiquities (SCA) has started to develop the basement of the Egyptian Museum in the light of the anxiety about the artefacts that have gone missing from the basement. The development project will cost LE12 million, after the committee registering the 600,000 or so artefacts has finished its work". Although it is a short article, it manages to provide a scary insight into the problems that the museum faces.

- Visits To Tutankhamun & Update On Cairo Museum Basement (Egyptian State Information Service) Some 200,000 Americans visited Tutankhamun and the Golden age of the Pharaohs exhibition in Fort Luaderdale, Florida, USA since its inauguration last week. Florida is the second leg of the...

- Cairo Museum Basement To Be Opened To Visitors"The basement of the Egyptian Museum will be opened to visitors. Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, declared that a contract has been signed with a state-owned...

- Arrests In 'museum Curse' Case"It seemed that the Egyptian Museum's basement had been afflicted with the Pharaohs' curse. Three weeks ago, when the Giza archaeological inspectors asked for the return of 14 objects placed on loan with...

- More On Various Items Missing From Egypt's Collections An overview of the problems with items going missing from the Cairo Museum and other storage facilities in Egypt. According to the article the last full invetory of the museum's basement storage...

- Cairo Museum Catalogued
The basement of the Cairo museum is being catalogued and here is another article.

