Iranian students to study Egyptian style artifacts

Iranian students to study Egyptian style artifacts

Press TV

A team of Iranian archeologists, lead by Sepideh Ghaheri, a masters Egyptology student at Lyon University of France, have returned to Iran to examine the National Museum's Egyptian style artifacts that have yet to be studied properly. Artifacts includes perfume bottles, jewelry, sculpture heads and talismans.

After Iran's National Museum, the team will move on to study and catalogue the vast collections kept at Tehran's Reza Abbasi museum and Naranjestan museum in Shiraz.

The collections on display in Reza Abbasi museum belongs to a period between the 2nd millennium BC to the early 20th century.

Prehistoric artifacts on display are made of baked clay, metal and stone. From the Islamic period there are pottery and metal objects, textile and lacquer paintings and calligraphy works.

See the link above for photos and more information.

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