Is the mummy of Cleopatra buried in Paris?

Is the mummy of Cleopatra buried in Paris?

Egypt Then and Now (translation by Ben Morales-Correa)

Given that Hawass is currently looking for her in Egypt I don't suppose that this particular theory will be terribly popular in some quarters.

The following is a translation of La momia de Cleopatra se esconde en París by Ramón Llanas for

Cleopatra VII, the great Cleopatra, the big nose of geopolitical power, is in Paris. It is a matter of justice, because what would be better for a woman like her? Specifically, she is buried in the gardens of the National Library of France, at its old headquarters of the Rue Vivienne, near the Louvre and the Palais Royal. That is what Juan Angel Torti, former Chilean journalist and possibly the most elegant retiree in Paris, has been sustaining for years. This former reporter for Agence France-Presse, whose headquarters is a stone’s throw from where the Egyptian queen supposedly lies, looks forward to the moment when archaeologists reach access to the end of the 120 meters long tunnel at the temple of Tabusiris Magna, 50 kilometers from Alexandria, where the sarcophagi of Cleopatra and Marco Antonio are allegedly located. That is expected to happen later this year, as announced by the Egyptian authorities. But Torti is certain they are in for a big disappointment: “The tomb of Cleopatra is empty.”

See the above page for the full story.

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