Italian Antiquities Trial update

Italian Antiquities Trial update (New York Times)
The Italian case against the J. Paul Getty Museum has been proceeding, with tempers flaring: "The charged atmosphere reflects the high profile of the trial, which is being closely watched by museums around the world. It is the first time that Italy has charged a museum official with involvement in the trade of looted objects. Italian officials hope the trial will discourage museums and collectors from buying art that appears on the market without a clear provenance".

- Museums Should Dig In
The New York Times (Bernard Frischer) THIS [last] year saw the end of the five-year-long trial here of Marion True, a former antiquities curator of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The case against her — for the purchase of art allegedly looted...

- Controversy Re St Louis Mask (St Louis Post Dispatch) "A one-time forger and art smuggler has accused the St. Louis Art Museum of purchasing in 1998 a stolen Egyptian mummy mask and displaying it in its galleries. Museum director Brent Benjamin said the history...

- Met Will Return Disputed Art To Italy update on Bloomberg site regarding claims for the return of illegally sold artefacts, highlighted by the Italian legal position taken against the John Paul Getty Museum: "By holding...

- Smuggled Artefact Problems - The Getty And Elsewhere "The Getty case is just a slice of an illicit global trade in antiquities that stretches from the Egyptian desert to Chinese tombs to Peruvian monuments, and pulls in some of the most- respected names in art and academia". An...

- More Troubles At The J. Paul Getty Museum (LA Times website) Marion True, curator of the Getty, has retired following allegations about financial arrangements (the top URL), and Italian court case continues to...

