Its a Donkey's Life

Its a Donkey's Life

Another article on those donkey's buried at Abydos, Egypt. The domestication of animals as I have pointed out before was most likely a mutual arrangement in many cases.

- Donkey Dna
EurekAlert Genetic investigators say the partnership between people and the ancestors of today's donkeys was sealed not by monarchs trying to establish kingdoms, but by mobile, pastoral people who had to recruit animals to help them survive the harsh...

- How Wild Asses Became Donkeys Of The Pharaohs
New Scientist (Andy Choghlan) Thanks to Vincent Brown for pointing this out to me. New Scientist has a feature this week on the domestication of the donkey in Egypt. The article is a summary of research published in Proceedings of the National Academy...

- The Domestication Of The African Wild Ass Profile of Fional Marshall, and details of her work into the domestication of the donkey. The donkey was domesticated in Egypt during the late Neolithic period, and was the most important pack animal...

- Donkeys At Abydos
The question of at what point the wild donkey became domesticated and why were these donkeys buried in the sacred precincts at Abydos.

- Domesticating Who?
How far back man began to domesticate animals remains still to be solved. I would be inclined to think that such domestication probably began long before we know. Where ever man or Neanderthal lived they left scraps from their meals that would have attracted...

