It's official - tomb of Ni Hms Bastet discovered in the Valley of the Kings

It's official - tomb of Ni Hms Bastet discovered in the Valley of the Kings

Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref)

There's not yet much information but what little there is can be found on the above page (copied below):

A deep burial well was found during a routine cleaning carried out by a Swiss archaeological mission on the path leading to King Tuthmosis III’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. The well leads to a burial chamber filled with a treasured collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts.

Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of State for Antiquities, said that further inside the chamber, excavators stumbled upon a wooden sarcophagus painted black and decorated with hieroglyphic texts, and a wooden stelae engraved with the names and different titles of the deceased.

See the above page for more.

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