Jane's World

Jane's World

More backlog! It is great to see how much news is emanating from Jane Akshar' Luxor News blog. Posts are shown by date in descending order (most recent first). This is just a sample of her posts. Obviously go to her site to stay up to date with all the news from Luxor.

Kick-Off Ceremony for USAID-supported Antiquities Project In Luxor
Jane covers the opening ceremony for a project that will drain potentially harmful groundwater away from around 20 monuments on Luxor's West Bank using a system used successfully at Karnak and Luxor. The project is already underway but this event was organized to publicize and explain it. The event was attended by dignitaries and archaeologists. Accompanied by photographs of the event.

Howard Carter House Restoration in Luxor
Jane has been continuing to help out at the Carter House restoration, due to open on teh 4th November, liaising between Lady Carnarvon and architect Dr Hany el Miniaw. Jane describes some of the features that will be on show and has taken some great photos of the restoration work. Jane has another post about the house at the following URL, which has some great extracts from the archnet.org website:

Tomb of Ramesses III (KV11) reopened
A good year for tomb openings, with that of Horemheb opened earlier in the year. Jane's post gives a really good itinerary for a West Bank visit which focuses on Ramesses III. More details about the tomb are available on the Theban Mapping Project website.

No photos in the Valley of the Kings?
One of Jane's visitors has reported that when she went to the VOK photography was banned, not just in the tombs but in the valley itself. Her visitor checked with the inspectorate and this was confirmed. And various comments in response confirm that cameras were being taken away from visitors at the gate into the VOK.

Dr Hawass in Indianapolis
The most interesting point in this interview with Hawass on the Heritage Key website is that Hawass confirms that he is leaving the SCA next year, when the tenure of the position ends. But there is a lot of other information in the interview including planned openings of sites to the public, and the latest work at the Great Pyramid and the tomb of Seti I. The details are all very brief but well worth a look.

- All Sites In Luxor Open For Tourists
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has been keeping readers updated with the situation at Karnak. Mansour Boraik of the SCA phoned Jane to reiterate that ALL sites in Upper Egypt are open and welcome visitors. Jane had to explain that the lack of tourists...

- More From Jane In Luxor, Where Things Remain Quiet
Jane Akshar's IT adviser Colette has been in touch with Jane and has recorded an interview with her. If you are planning to take a holiday with Jane's company please get in touch with her on her mobile phone. To see Jane's view on the current...

- Luxor News - Jane Akshar
Luxor News by Jane Akshar Jane has been very busy with her blog recently and has posted some good newsworthy items as well as some lovely photographs. Amongst the highlights are: A visit to the Early Dynastic tombs at Umm el-Qaab (Abydos)Recent work at...

- Valley Of The Kings Closures
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) Thanks to Jane's recent post on the Luxor News blog for the information that the tombs of Merenptah (KV8) and Ramesses IX (KV6) are both closed for restoration. Both are available for virtual viewing on the Theban Mapping...

- Discoveries And Restoration At Karnak
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) At Karnak a new Ptolemaic bath house has been discovered. Jane says that there will be a lecture about it at the Mummification Museum in the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be able to report on it for us. Jane has also...

