Journal: J. Egyptian History

Journal: J. Egyptian History


Journal of Egyptian History Volume 2, Numbers 1-2, 2009

Abstracts are available for each of the articles below on the above page.


The Buhen Horse: Fifty Years after Its Discovery (1958-2008)
pp. 1-106(106)
Authors: Raulwing, Peter; Clutton-Brock, Juliet

Papyrus CtYBR 2885 rt.—Reste einer demotischen Königsliste auf Papyrus?
pp. 107-113(7)
Author: Quack, Joachim Friedrich

From Twice Helix to Double Helix: A Comprehensive Model for Egyptian Calendar History
pp. 115-147(33)
Author: Depuydt, Leo

Female Circumcision as a Rite de Passage in Egypt—Continuity through the Millennia?
pp. 149-171(23)
Author: Huebner, Sabine R.

Method and Theory

Teaching Egyptian History: Some Discipline-Specific Pedagogical Notes
pp. 173-228(56)
Author: Muhlestein, Kerry

- If You Fancy Growing Papyrus At Home . . .
The Providence Journal (Norman Winter) Botanically speaking, the papyrus is Cyperus papyrus. If you remember your elementary history, this plant is native to Egypt and was used for making papyrus sheets for writing. Our word “paper” comes from “papyrus.”...

- New Journal - Journal Of Egyptian History house Brill has announced a new journal, the Journal of Egyptian History, which is now available for ordering Editor: Thomas Schneider (Swansea). Editorial Board: Christian Cannuyer (Lille), Leo Depuydt (Providence), Aidan...

- Journal Of The Society For The Study Of Egyptian Antiquities 32 Volume 32 (2005) of the annually produced Journal of The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities is now available. A list of articles, together with their abstracts, is available at the above address. Full articles,...

- Rebel In The Soul
Bika Reed Inner Traditions International Rochester, Vermont 1997 ISBN 0-89281-615-5 - Berlin Papyrus 3024 Egyptologist Richard Lepsius bought the papyrus in 1843 from the Athanasi collection bringing it to Berlin. The document preserved on the papyrus...

- A Miracle In Stone
Reverend Joseph A. Seiss Porter Coates Philadelphia 1877 ASIN B002EEP30M This 137 year old book is by Reverend Joseph A. Seiss pastor of The Church of the Holy Communion. The book is about the theory that the great pyramid at Giza is a holy book made...

