Journal: Azania - Archaeological Research in Africa

Journal: Azania - Archaeological Research in Africa

Taylor and Francis 

Volume 47, Issue 2, 2012.  All articles available for purchase, but abstracts are free to view.

There's an article in this issue about the Western Desert, but Andrew B Smith's article may also be of interest.  See the above page for the full Table of Contents:
El Kharafish: the archaeology of Sheikh Muftah pastoral nomads in the desert around Dakhla Oasis (Egypt)
Karim Sadr
People and animals in Holocene Africa: recent advances in archaeozoology
Andrew B. Smith

- Charting The Movements Of The Nile
Geoarchaeology There is an article in the most recent issue of Geoarchaeology which may be of interest. Unfortunately articles are not free to view online, but the abstracts can be viewed and 24 hour access to the articles can be purchased if required....

- Ancient Egypt Magazine - Free Pdf Downloads
Ancient Egypt Magazine download page Ancient Egypt magazine has, for some time now, offered the alternative to download PDF versions of the entire magazine for a fee. They are also offering two issues no longer available in print for download, free of...

- Sahara Journal 2007 The Contents for Volume 18 (May 2007) of the journal Sahara are now on the above page, with abstracts. The papers focus on the archaeology and rock art of northern Africa, and are written in...

- Journal Of African Archaeology The website for the Journal of African Archaeology is now showing the contents for Vol. 3 (2) 2005, due for release in December 2005. The full contents listing is on the above URL, but I have listed below...

- J. African Archaeology - Khartoum And Nabta/kiseiba The Journal of African Archaeology, volume 3, is tentatively expected to be released in June. As well as a number of potentially fascinating articles about other areas of Africa, shown at the above address,...

