Journal: Society for the Study of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities

Journal: Society for the Study of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities


Volume 36 (2009) is now online at the above address. Abstracts are free of charge to view. PDFs are available by paying the annual membership fee.

- Conference: International Symposium On Ancient Egypt And Nubia
Art Daily From October 31 to November 2, 2008 the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) hosts the 34th Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (SSEA) entitled Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Golden Kingdoms of the Nile. On Saturday, November...

- International Symposium On Ancient Egypt And Nubia
Art Daily From October 31 to November 2, 2008 the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) hosts the 34th Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (SSEA) entitled Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Golden Kingdoms of the Nile. On Saturday, November...

- Journal Of Egyptian History No1 2008
Ingenta Connect The first issue of the new journal, which has been mentioned previously on the blog, is now available free of charge online at the above address. Each article is available for download as a PDF. I have no idea how long it will remain free,...

- Journal Of The Society For The Study Of Egyptian Antiquities 32 Volume 32 (2005) of the annually produced Journal of The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities is now available. A list of articles, together with their abstracts, is available at the above address. Full articles,...

- New Polish Egyptology Journal to Jerzy Prus for letting me know that the first issue of a new journal, The Polish Egyptoloical Journal (Polski Przegląd Egiptologiczny), in Polish and English, is now available. Details, including a Contents listing, with...

