Journal of African Archaeology - July Issue

Journal of African Archaeology - July Issue
I may have announced this before, although I can't locate the posting, but the latest issue of the Journal of African Archaeology, to be released in July, has the following paper about prehistoric Egypt (see the above URL for a full listing of all papers in the July JAA): D. Usai: Early Holocene Seasonal Movements between the Desert and the Nile Valley. Details from the Lithic Industry of some Khartoum Variant and some Nabta/Kiseiba Sites. Also of interest to those interested in the prehistoric occupation of Egypt and the Sahara is the following: R. Castelli, M. Cremaschi, M.C. Gatto, M. Liverani & L. Mori. A Preliminary Report of Excavations in Fewet, Libyan Sahara

- Journal Of African Archaeology Vol. 4 (2) 2006 two of the publications in this issue of JAA will be of use to those interested exclusively in Egypt and the Sudan, but here are the relevant articles: A. Gautier & W. Van NeerAnimal Remains from...

- New Uk Based Academic Journal The first issue (Autumn 2006) of a new academic journal, The Papers of the Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity from the University of Birmingham, is now online. "The Rosetta journal is aimed at postgraduates...

- Saharan Prehistory
It's a very slow news day today, so I've dropped this post into the blog for anyone interested in Egyptian/Saharan prehistory and early/mid Holocene climate. Whilst hunting around for an article on the website of the Polish Academy of Sciences,...

- Journal Of African Archaeology The contents and abstracts for the Journal of African Archaeology Vol. 3 (2) 2005 are available online at the above address. Two articles relevant to Egypt are featured: B. Eichhorn, S. Hendrickx, H. Riemer...

- Journal Of African Archaeology The website for the Journal of African Archaeology is now showing the contents for Vol. 3 (2) 2005, due for release in December 2005. The full contents listing is on the above URL, but I have listed below...

