Jsesh Update

Jsesh Update


Serge Rosmorduc has recently uploaded version 2.4.16 of his free hieroglyphic editor, JSesh. See the above page to download it. This release mainly adds new signs to JSesh. There is also an experimental window executable installer is provided, for people with windows Vista (it also works on XP) and abug fix with Mac OS X Leopard, which made JSesh very slow on this system.

See the above page for full details.

If you have never heard of Jsesh, it is, in the words of its designer "a free, open source, editor for ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. It's currently quite powerful, and it covers most of the so-called Manuel de Codage".

- Jsesh 3.0
JSesh, release notes Dear all, I have the pleasure to announce version 3.0 of JSesh. Thanks to M. Thomas' work, the full Manuel de Codage (or, in other terms, the "extended library") is now covered by JSesh (save a few signs here and there, which...

- Jsesh V.2.7
http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/ Thanks to Serge Rosmorduc for the information that version 2.7a of JSesh, his free hieroglyphic editor, is now available. This version fixes a problem with cut and paste which occurred at least in the latest updates of...

- New Version Of Jsesh
http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/ Serge Rosmorduc has just announced on the Ancient Egyptian Language list that the latest patch for JSesh is now available from the above website. Version 2.4.13 of JSesh has just been solves a critical bug in 2.4.12 (the...

- Jsesh - New Version
JSesh Serge Rosmorduc announced on Friday, on the Ancient Egyptian Language list, that a new version of the JSesh has been released. JSesh is his free hieroglyphic text editor. He says that the main new features are: * lots of new hieroglyphs (around...

- Jsesh Version 2.3.2
http://www.iut.univ-paris8.fr/~rosmord/JSesh/The latest version of JSesh has been released. JSesh is an editor for hieroglyphic texts and a toolset for manipulating hieroglyphic texts. It covers most of the Manuel de Codage, can read files coming from...

