Just a quickie re the Egyptian Towns and Cities book

Just a quickie re the Egyptian Towns and Cities book

I'm not back in London yet but as Shire Books have emailed me re the legality (or rather illegality) of the link that we posted on this site I thought I'd better log in and do a quick update.

I've updated the original post below, but just in case people who commented about the legality of the download missed the update, here's a copy of what I wrote:

Thanks to everyone for the comments.

I emailed Shire Books and they confirmed that the PDF version of the book, by Eric Uphill, is indeed illegal. I have therefore removed the links from this post as requested by Shire.

Here's the email that they sent me, for your reference:

Dear Andie,

Thank you for letting us know about this. You are right that it is illegal, and I would be grateful if you could remove the link. We will investigate this matter.

Best regards,

Nick Wright,
Shire Publications Ltd.

Cheers to all, thanks to "Anonymous" for raising the issue and many thanks to Shire Publications for being understanding.

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