Kelsey at Abydos

Kelsey at Abydos

Here is the dig diary of the Kelsey museum.

- Kelsey Museum Of Archaeology Dig Diary
Two short updates have been added to the Dig Diary for the Kelsey excavations at Abydos. In Week 2 painted blocks were found, which the conservators quickly went to work on. In Week 3 the conservation team set to work achieving their goals. The use of...

- Kelsey Museum Of Archaeology Dig Diary
Kelsey Dig Diary The Abydos project dig diary has now been kicked off by the teams conservators. There is a useful general entry about the type of information will be possible to write up on the blog: Our postings are grouped by project week, so please...

- Blogs To Watch
I don't report on these on a daily basis, although I have them all saved to Google Reader for my own entertainment. If there are any news items that I think may be of interest then I report them, but the daily updates are interesting in their own...

- Abydos 2009 Season Of Kelsey Museum
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Thanks to Kate Phizackerley for posting the above link to her News from the Valley of the Kings blog. Conservators and excavators on the Abydos Middle Cemetery Project will be working at Abydos in 2009. There is a space-holder...

- Making Room For History In Michigan
The Michigan Daily The floorboards creak, the olive walls are worn and there's a radiator in every room. The building has been around 116 years, and there are plenty signs of aging in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology on State Street. Tucked away between...

