Kids Journey Back In Time To Discover Secrets Of Egyptian Royal Beetles

Kids Journey Back In Time To Discover Secrets Of Egyptian Royal Beetles

Jackson Times

A dung beetle may not conjure up images of prosperity, protection and luck, but for the ancient Egyptians, these scarabs were an intrinsic part of everyday life and beyond.

The Jackson branch of the Ocean County Library held an interactive program this week, journeying back thousands of years ago for kids to see how these sacred insects were as much a part of the Egyptian culture as the pyramids or Sphinx.

With the library celebrating its kids' summer "Reading Bug" theme, the Egyptian program seemed like a natural fit, said Emily Franklin, the Jackson branch children's librarian.

"I was thinking what could we do for older kids with bugs that would be fun?" said Franklin, "and then it was like, 'I know, how about scarabs?'"

Franklin said the Jackson branch is very lucky to have principal library assistant Linda English onboard to conduct the program, saying she "loves all things Egyptian" and has been intrigued by the ancient culture for years.

While the program was entitled "Royal Beetles of Egypt," English said it was actually a bit of a misnomer.

"Not only did royalty have scarabs, but everybody had scarabs in ancient Egypt," said English.

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