King of the Wild Frontier

King of the Wild Frontier
"Remains of a Hyksos treasure found early last week in a cachet within the foundation of the fortified city of Tharo in North Sinai will shed more light on Ahmose I's strategy during his famous war of liberation. . . . A team of archaeologists digging at Tel-Habuwa, near the town of Qantara East and three kilometres east of the Suez Canal, has made a significant discovery". See this article on the Al Ahram Weekly site for the full story.

- Canals Ancient And Modern
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The city of Suez has held a unique position since the early pharaonic era. Its port was an important centre for trade throughout the pharaonic period, and it continued to grow in importance right up to the present time....

- Reports Of Looting Continue To Dominate In Egypt
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) With photos. A report issued early this week shows that 800 artefacts are still missing from the Qantara-East warehouse in North Sinai. The storehouse was looted on 29 January -- the fifth day of the Egyptian uprising....

- 3,000-year-old Temples Discovered In Egypt
MSNBC (Hadeel Al-Shalchi) Archaeologists exploring an old military road in the Sinai have unearthed four new temples amidst the 3,000-year-old remains of an ancient fortified city that could have been used to impress foreign delegations visiting Egypt,...

- Northern Sinai
Al Ahram Weekly Nevine El-Aref takes a look at the historical importance of the route from Egypt accross northern Sinai and describes various New Kingdom forts as well as the newly discovered New Kingdom fortress of Tharos in North Sinai. The article...

- More On The New Kingdom Forts In Sinai "The site includes two limestone forts, one dating from the reign of the XVIIIth-Dynasty Pharaoh Thutmosis III (1475-1425) and the second from the XIXth Dynasty . . . the only remaining part of the first...

