King Tut in Toronto

King Tut in Toronto

Three decades later King Tut's belongings are set to return to Toronto, minus the mask of course.

- Exhibition: Ago Banks On King Tut To Boost Attendance Toronto The AGO is banking on this exhibit to boost attendance which has been dwindling since it reopened last November after a year-long shut down due to a $276 million renovation. Despite that renovation receiving critical acclaim and being designed...

- Conference Report: Racy Poetry From The Amarna Period
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) Short article about love and sex in Amarna poetry as presented by Vincent Tobin at the recent Toronto conference. One of the most unusual presentations on Egyptology that I’ve seen in awhile took place at the Egypt symposium...

- Tutankhamun Continues To Tour The U.s.
Egypt State Information Service Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif approved the transfer of the exhibition of "Tutankhamun The Golden King and The Great Pharaohs" which showcases more than 130 artifacts, from Atlanta Civic Center to the Children's Museum...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In Canada
The Globe and Mail (James Adams) The boy-king of ancient Egypt who "gave his life for tourism," as comedian Steve Martin famously sang in 1979, returns to Canada this fall for a five-month visit. The Art Gallery of Ontario announced yesterday that it...

- Ct Scans For Toronto's Mummies
Toronto's mummy Djedmaatasankh led the way more than thirty years ago

