Kings Tomb Found at Abydos

Kings Tomb Found at Abydos

Archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania's mission to Abydos have found the tomb of an early 13th Dynasty King Sobekhotep. The tomb containing a massive quartzite sarcophagus as well as pieces of canopic jars and a stele.

The tomb appears to have been a pyramid burial that has been denuded of stone and the burial robbed. This is another piece in the puzzle of the question why the ancient kings had two tombs? Some archaeologists have believed that the tombs at Abydos were cenotaphs while this kings tomb appears not to be a cenotaph but the actual burial of the king.

- Object Biography #2: A Label Of King Djer (acc. No. 6763a)
Manchester Museum (Campbell Price) A really good piece, putting the label into its Abydos context. With photos and illustrations. This small (1.8 x 1.9 cm) piece of incised bone doesn’t look like much, but it comes from one of Pharaonic Egypt’s most...

- 5,000-year-old Cemetery Found In S Egypt
Xinhuanet An Egyptian archeological mission has unearthed a 5,000-year-old royal burial ground in southern Egypt, the official MENA news agency reported on Saturday. The cemetery was discovered in Umm el-Ga'ab area, south of the historical city...

- The Mummy On The Boat
In the summer 2012 issue of KMT magazine we find on pages 34 and 35 images recently found in Milan's Egyptology archives. One photograph of the mummy on the boat found in the tomb of Amenhotep II in the Valley of Kings, KV35 displays the position...

- The Great Missing
There is little doubt of three caches of kings from the end of the New Kingdom yet one cache is clearly missing and perhaps today represented only by its absence. The great cache of 1881 found a prince named Ahmosis though sadly he is not the liberator...

- Meet Ramses Viii
One would think that even though the kings reign was extremely short with no time to create a tomb for this king in the valley an eighteenth dynasty cutting would be converted to a tomb for him. So perhaps we are looking for a shaft tomb with one room...

