Kmt Spring 2008 - on new site

Kmt Spring 2008 - on new site


The journal Kmt now has its own home on a new address:

Sadly, it is still not possible to subscribe or order invidual issues online - the order form must be printed off and posted/faxed with payment enclosed. This seems a shame given the availability of online payment solutions like Paypal, but I expect that they have good reasons. In London it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a reliable source since the British Museum ceased stocking it.

The Spring 2008 edition of KMT is now out. Contents include:

Editor Dennis Forbes looks at what’s “New Under the Sun: Egypt Update 2007.”

Peter Lacovara & Salima Ikram report on a “New Display for the Oldest Objects: The Predynastic Period in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.”

In a “Monument Close Up,” Clair Ossian shares his stunning color photos of “A Limestone Jewel in the Desert; The Cenotaph Temple of Rameses II at Abydos.”

Dennis Forbes discusses “The Phantom Pharaoh Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare Djoserkheperure.”

Lucy Gordan-Rastelli visits “Egypt on St. Mark’s Square, Venice, Italy.”

And Heather Plaza-Manning tells about “Mummies & Sphinxes & Scarabs: Egyptianizing Design in America.”

PLUS regular columns “Nile Currents” & “For the Record,” as well as book reviews of The Two Brothers: Death & the Afterlife in Middle Kingdom Egypt by Rosalie David; Antony & Cleopatra by Patricia Southern; Lives of the Ancient Egyptians by Toby Wilkinson; Tutankhamun’s Armies by John Coleman Darnell & Colleen Manassa; The Nubian Pharaohs, Black Kings on the Nile by Charles Bonnet & Dominque Valbelle; Discovery! Unearthing the New Treasures of Archaeology by Brian M. Fagan; & Gifts from the Pharaohs by Christiane Desroches Noblecourt

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