KV 38 and KV39

KV 38 and KV39

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

Thanks again to Richard Sellicks for some excellent photographs and to Jane for posting them at the above address. As photography is no longer permitted at these sites it is particularly good to have access to some great photos of them.

- Photos From Kv47, Tomb Of Siptah
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) A belated Happy Birthday to Richard Sellicks and thanks again to him for sharing some terrific photographs, this time a really excellent set from the 19th Dynasty tomb KV47, showing off its wonderful colours. Siptah was the son...

- All Sites In Luxor Open For Tourists
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has been keeping readers updated with the situation at Karnak. Mansour Boraik of the SCA phoned Jane to reiterate that ALL sites in Upper Egypt are open and welcome visitors. Jane had to explain that the lack of tourists...

- Kv11 Photos
Luxor News Blog Thanks again to Richard Sellicks and Jane Akshar for posting Richard's photographs of KV11. They are lovely. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photos Of First Dynasty Burials
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Thanks to Jane for posting Richard Sellick's excellent set of photographs of the First Dynasty burials of Djet, Den and Khasakemway, taken in 1999. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photos Of Flooding At The Osirion 1998-2003
Luxor News Blog Thanks to Jane Akshar and Richard Sellicks for a great selection of photographs of the Osirion at Abydos from 1998-2003, showing different water levels at the site. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

