KV63 update from Otto Schaden

KV63 update from Otto Schaden

Luxor News (Jane Akshar)

I have some reports done, one just out is "KV63 Update: The 2011 Season," KMT 22 (No. 2, Summer 2011), pp. 33-41, which covers some of the work on KV-63's Coffins A and C, the ceramics, some of the seal impressions and some comments on Coffin E's garland (E.4).

Another paper will be submitted to the ASAE shortly, plus a brief summary for Orientalia.

When the political problems arose last January, we just kept working. The closure of banks and the halting of internet access proved to be only temporary inconveniences. While some missions shut down, we continued working to the scheduled end (early March).

- Kv63 Update
KV63 Dig Diary (Otto Schaden) Thanks to Kate Phizackerley's blog and her reader Len Solt for pointing to the above update dating to November 4th 2010 on the KV63 website. Details of some of the research results from last season are discussed and some...

- Otto Schaden's Dig Diary (kv 10 And Kv63)
Otto's Dig Diary 20 NOVEMBER 2008 Servus! I am happy to report that our plans for the 2009 season has now been finalized. I will depart for Cairo on January 2nd. Factoring in a few days of scheduled meetings and retrieving supplies I should reach...

- Kv10 And Kv63 Project Updates
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Otto Schaden has updated Jane regarding both his own health and the plans for the sites KV10 and KV63 in the Valley of the Kings. The team, now affiliated with the of the SCA, are hoping to resume work this winter. Have a...

- Kv63 Website Updated
http://www.kv-63.com/index.htmlOtto Schaden has updated the KV63 website with the following short report: "Since the closing of KV10 and KV63 on July I6th I have been busy with reports to the SCA and a proposal for the 2007 season which will commence...

- Kv63 Website Updated
http://www.kv-63.com/index.htmlThanks very much to Gary Maher for pointing out that the KV63 dig diary has been updated, with new photographs added. Dr Schaden's diary entry for July 9th gives a short update about coffins D and E, and there are some...

