KV63 updates

KV63 updates

http://tinyurl.com/nxh6x ( commercialappeal.com)
This article quotes an interview with Otto Schaden about some of the recent and future work at the site: " The team hopes to get a portable X-ray machine and scanner to the site within "a week or so" to peer into the last two, made brittle by ravaging termites, the team's leader, Dr. Otto Schaden, said in a phone interview from Luxor, Egypt". Schaden also says that the time remaining for the completion of the excavation cannot be predicted with any accuracy.

Unfortunately I don't have access to the Discovery Channel, but the KV63 feature aired last night, and the Discovery website has been updated with some video out-takes showing scenes from the excavation.
If anyone sees a review of the programme, I would be grateful for the link/s.

- Kv63 Dig Status Updated
KV 63 Home Page Many thanks to Bob Partridge from Ancient Egypt Magazine for letting me know that the KV63 website has been updated as follows, by Otto Schaden: It has been some time since my last update as many administrative issues necessitated my...

- Mark Rose On Discovery's Latest Kv63 Offering
http://www.archaeology.org/online/reviews/kv63/kv63.html Mark Rose continues to do a great job on the Archaeology magazine website with a new piece on the Discovery Channel's programme about the opening of the last coffin at KV63, accompanied by some...

- More On The Kv63 Gold Coffin
http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2006-05-31-discovery-egypt_x.htm Another report about the tiny golden coffin found at KV63: "The archaeologists discovered seven coffins; there are no mummies in the first five they have opened, but there is one big...

- Kv63
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12990529/A three page article on the MSNBC website about KV63 and the knowledge that has been accumulated so far, including extracts from a recent interview with Otto Schaden: "Five of KV-63's coffins are known to contain mummification...

- Interview With Dr Otto Schaden
http://www.egypttoday.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=6469 Exerpts from an interview with the director of the team that found KV63, on the Egypt Today website:"Egypt Today: How does it feel to have stumbled upon such an important discovery after having been...

