Lady Hor Becomes Mr. Hor

Lady Hor Becomes Mr. Hor

More on the Egyptian mummies from the Brooklyn museum and their CT scans.

- The Mummy Chamber
There is no news these days so I figured it was time for some fun and found myself in the Brooklyn museum's "Mummy Chamber". The chamber contains everything you would expect to find in such a place including an interactive section where you can look...

- Talking Mummies

- Animal Mummy Cults
Here is an excellent article and interactive features on animal mummies with lots of interesting pictures.

- Pretty Mummies
Here some photos from National Geographic on the recent finds of mummies from Illahun.

- Dier El Banat Yields Ptolemaic Mummies
A cemetery in Egypt long thought to have been completely looted has recently turned up a number of mummies including one lady who is completely intact with her mask and cartonnages. This is the only intact mummy to have ever been found at this ancient...

