Last hours of Tutankhamun at Fort Lauderdale

Last hours of Tutankhamun at Fort Lauderdale
A short article looking at the mix of people who visited the exhibition in its last few hours - over 10,000 people left it til the last minute to vist. The next week will be sent packing the artefacts for transportation to Chicago.

- Hawass In Fort Lauderdale Zahi Hawass on how much enthusiam has greeted the Tutankhamun exhibition in Fort Lauderdale: "I recently returned from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after attending the opening of the Pharaoh's golden exhibition...

- Too Long A Wait For Tut criticism of the management of ticket queues on the Miami Herald's Opinion page: "I recently tried to visit the King Tut exhibit at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale. I purchased tickets...

- Tutankhamun Again.
As before, I've only skimmed these, so apologies if there is any duplication. (Palm Beach Post) Conversations with the first visitors to the Fort Lauderdale leg of the exhibition.

- A Feast For The Ears (more Tut) article about the Jorge Ramos and Omar Sharif audio guides for the Tutankhamun exhibition. Another exhibition summary can be found at: (Journal News website). A short piece on work still to be completed...

- Tutankhamun Ticket Sales This item predicts a surge in ticket sales before the closure of the Tutankhamun exhibit before it moves to Fort Lauderdale. The second item looks at ticket sales for the upcoming Fort Lauderdale visit:

