Late Period Fort

Late Period Fort

In the eastern delta near the Suez canal a fort probably dating to the 7th century bc has been discovered.

- Ancient Military Town Dating Back To 26th Dynasty Discovered In Ismailiya With photos Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, announced today that a Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) archaeological mission in Ismailia Governorate has revealed the remains of a military town, dated to the 26th Dynasty (ca. 664-625...

- Massive Egyptian Fort Discovered On Edge Of Sinai Desert
The Peninsula (Source: AFP) Egypt announced yesterday the discovery of the largest-ever military city from the Pharaonic period on the edge of the Sinai desert, part of a series of forts that stretched to the Gaza border. “The three forts are part of...

- Tel Habua, Sinai - And Lava From Ancient Greek Volcano
The excavations at the Pharaonic site of Tel Habuwa, northeast of Qantara on the Suez Canal, have revealed some pumice that has led to speculation about how it got there, covered at a number of websites (see below). A quick mention for the Pharaonic fort...

- More On The New Kingdom Forts In Sinai "The site includes two limestone forts, one dating from the reign of the XVIIIth-Dynasty Pharaoh Thutmosis III (1475-1425) and the second from the XIXth Dynasty . . . the only remaining part of the first...

- Psamtik's Fort
Here Dr. Hawass announces the discovery of a fort in the north east delta dated to the 26th dynasty.

